13 Sections

Start here!

The age old question - where do I start?  If we are going to work together, I need to get to know you a bit, so this is a great place to start with that.

How should maths be approached?

Let's be real, you probably haven't had many teachers like me.  It might be a good idea to learn how and why I do things this way

Maths Overview

It is always good to see a big picture.   This are will give you a big picture look at what we are doing, but be warned  - things might chop and change.  This is a 2 year course, and different people may have different levels of proficiency, but the differing understanding levels is built into the course structure.

Closing the Loop

A summation of what we have learned and the start of exam prep

IGCSE Maths Quest Membership

IGCSE Maths Quest Membership

Discover the Hive Membership Experience 🐝🍯

Why We Created This Product

Future Bumblebee!

“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” - Albert Einstein

This quote is one that challenges me as a tutor, but also one I use as a yardstick for if our students have fully grasped the concept at hand. At the Threndol Hive, we’ve noticed a significant need among students and parents for a more holistic and engaging approach to learning mathematics, to bring true understanding rather than rote memorisation.

We created the IGCSE Maths Quest Membership to address this gap by fostering a deep understanding and genuine love for the subject — and making space for people to geek out!🍯

The Benefits of Joining

Imagine a learning experience where you no longer feel anxious about exams, but instead look forward to each lesson with excitement and curiosity. Hopefully, you have had at least one teacher awaken that in you at some point in your life. The IGCSE Maths Quest Membership transforms the focus and approach for engaging with mathematics, making it an adventure rather than a chore, and aiming to instill confidence and ease of mastery in every student. 


Maths was something that caused my daughter so much anxiety because she always felt as though she was just short of getting it, but you have managed to make her see maths as a journey. She does still stress about exams, but it isn't nearly as much as before.

~ V—

Marinus, I want to thank you for everything you did for my C— this year. And I can't wait to see her soar next year with your guidance. You have had such a positive impact on her, and words will never be enough to express my gratitude. So, I will pray....May God bless you and keep you, may He shine His face upon you and give you peace. Have a lovely day with your beautiful family.
~ M—

So How do I do it?

Well, I do something wild! I start with the assumption that my students can do it. Confidence is key, not just in myself and my methods, but also in them, that these things are not beyond them to grasp, as long as the pieces are given to them.

My overall approach is deeply rooted in classical education - not traditional education with its factory-work focused rote recall, but true classical education, with the trivium and quadrivium.

For those of you who have only vaguely heard of it, allow me to recap. The Trivium - grammar, logic, rhetoric; i.e. the puzzle pieces, the process of building the puzzle, and looking at the puzzle’s picture afterwards. This is my approach to learning, and I look for where my students are missing puzzle pieces whenever they struggle to build the puzzle. The Quadrivium - arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy; i.e. numbers as numbers, numbers in space, numbers in time, and numbers in both space and time. My modules are designed to show my students how numbers, and mathematics, are all around us, and are not some detached theories that have no impact on their lives.

And of course, we come around to topics again and again, touching on them from different aspects, building out a solid foundation from which they can answer the questions put to them and EXPLORE the subject. This approach allows me to build curiosity in my students so that they come back telling me how they were exploring an idea with exponents on the weekend, not because they need to, but because they get to. 🐝🐝🐝

Don't miss out on this transformative learning experience. I can't wait to get started helping you rediscover the joy of learning mathematics, so that you can excel with confidence and passion. 🐝🐝


Feel free to email me at marinus@threndol.com or WhatsApp at +27823330906 if you have any questions.

My Package Tiers Explained

The Drone Bee Experience (unlimited spaces) is my most basic subscription, and it gives you access to all my recorded teaching and lessons on the subject, but there is no support in terms of feedback or live lesson attendance or check-ins. For any further assistance, you may choose to buy pay-as-you-go one-to-one sessions or attend the office hours. This is only R560 per month.

The Worker Bee Experience (space is dependent on Queen Bee and Honeycomb memberships) is a step up from this and suitable for people who would like feedback and support, but are self-starters who prefer to work independently, or who attend a school so live lesson attendance is a problem for them.  These students may attend one group lesson a week of their choosing, and will need to purchase exam marking separately as needed. They have access to all the IGCSE Maths courses I release and bonus modules whenever they happen. Further support is offered during my weekly office hours. This will cost you R995 per month.

The Queen Bee Experience is my standard subscription and includes feedback to the student and the parent, as well as additional one-to-one sessions as needed (this is at my discretion, but may also be requested). These students attend all lessons during the week, and have access to all additional training and IGCSE Maths courses. They also have access to my office hours, and may post questions for me to answer during lessons or in short video replies. This is a monthly investment of R2150.

The Whole Honeycomb Experience is the ultimate access option - but there is a catch, I can only offer it to 6 students 3 more students before my schedule is full. This is everything in the Queen Bee Experience, but also has priority support, weekly one-to-one lessons with me, and a monthly feedback report for parents (students receive continual feedback on their work as we go). The goal here is to offer an individually tailored service which will heal their curiosity and get them excited about learning, giving us the needed time to walk a personal journey of education, somewhat like the classical tutor from before we were training our children to work in factories. This comes at a premium of R4000 per month (it also comes with some bonus perks - but those are a surprise).

The course contents use a mixture of videos, audio, diagrams, and text to teach the concepts, but it is not a textbook - textbooks are great for getting through content systematically, they just aren't for me. My target audience (possibly you) is more interested in exploring the idea than applying a formula that they don't understand. So my focus is on understanding above all else - exam results come naturally from there.

Sections for this product 13
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 Queen Bee Experience (all group lessons and feedback)
 $120.00 USD  ( then $120.00 USD a month )
 Whole Honeycomb Experience (all access + weekly one to one + monthly feedback)
 $210.00 USD  ( then $210.00 USD a month )
 Drone Bee (access to content + limited feedback + send questions in text)
 $29.00 USD  ( then $29.00 USD a month )
 Only one to one (2 per week)
 $167.00 USD  ( then $167.00 USD a month )
 Only one to one (1 per week)
 $89.00 USD  ( then $89.00 USD a month )

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